King Crimson

I'm not sure where to start to tell you what happened to me. Maybee I should start by saying I'm a big King Crimson fan. For those of you who dont know, King Crimson is a band formed in the late 60s that is often credited for popularising the progressive rock genre. Their olny consistent member has been guitarist Robert Fripp, with allot of people getting in and out of the band, like Greg Lake, Adrian Belew, Mel Collins,Bill Bruford and others. I think that might be all you need to know to understand the incident I'm about to tell you about.

So, as I told you, I'm a pretty big King Crimson fan. But I'm also very poor and live in an area where its hard to find records of decent bands, let alone King Crimson, who aren't all that mainstraem. So what I had to do was download their albums. It seemed siple and harmless - I just went to Pirate Bay and downloaded the entire King Crimson discography in FLAC vinyl rips. Years passed by and there was no apparent consequence in that. It's not like me downloading their music affected them in any way. Or so I thougth...

One day I was coming back home from school and I thougth I saw Robert Fripp in an alley. I found that pretty crazey, since there would be no reason for Robert Fripp to be here. King Crimson was on tour in another country at the time, and they didn't even have any shows schcheduled for my area. So, very crazey! I thought I was just seeing things. But then, three days later, I saw him again, across the street! I must have been getting crazey from too much listening to King Crimson. But as it turned out, it wasn't just me seeing things...

Eventually, one day I was getting out of school, ready to get back home and there he was. I coudln't beleive it. Robert Fripp was just standing there outside my school. I didnt know what to do. But I didn't neeed to - when he saw me, he came right up to me. My hands were tremebling from excietment. My idle was about to talk to me. But that excietment quickley turned into uneasineness when he started talking. He had a very thick British acsent, and talked slowley, stoiacally.

He said: "What is the difference between legally acquiring my music and pirating it?"

I started swatting cold, I didnt know what to say. I looked at his face and his eyes were open wide, he was frowening and overall looking a bit creepey. I just said "What?", stutttering a bit. With the agility of a cheetah, he grabbed my arm and said "You might get fucked." He was holding my arm with allot of strenght, I thoutgh he was goign to break my arm. At this point I was terriefied and, in the heat of the moment, ran away back home. I thougth this couldn't be rael. That couldn't be really Robert Fripp.

For the followign four days, I felt like Robert Fripp was stalking me every moment, as if he was always standing there in the corner of my vision but hid away when I tried to look at him. It felt terribel. Then, in the fifht day, when getting home from school, I found everything messed up, like someone had invaded and raided the house. The furniture was all out of place, the drawers were all open wide and there was even some stuff broken. I went to my room and saw my computer smashed and destroyd. I couldn't beleive it. Did it have anything to do with Robert Fripp?

Then I heard his voice. He said "I tried to warn you." And then I turned around and Robert Fripp was behind me! I was scared spitless. He tried to lunge at me with unbeleivable agility but I managed to run away. I ran as far away as I could, until my legs felt like they were goign to fallout on their own. I'm staying at a friend's house now and typeing this from my phone. I know I cant stay for long because Robert Fripp will find me. So take my advice, DON'T DOWNLOAD KING CRIMSON'S DISCOGRAPHY IN FLAC VINYL RIPS!